Pat Perdue's Customer Experience Podcast

Pat Perdue's Customer Experience Podcast

Jeanne Bliss on her new book: Would You Do That to your Mother: The Make-Mom-Proud Standard for How to Treat Your Customers

May 17, 2018


This Week's Guest, Jeanne Bliss
This week I sat down with Jeanne Bliss, best selling author of I Love You More Than My Dog, Chief Customer Officer, Chief Customer Officer 2.0, and her latest book, Would You Do That to Your Mother, the Make-Mom-Proud Standard for How to Treat Your Customers.
Warning - listening to this episode could seriously improve how your organization treats its customers!
[bctt tweet="Would how you treat your customers make your mother proud? Warning: Listening to this episode of Pat Perdue's Customer Experience Podcast, featuring @JeanneBliss, may dramatically improve the way you treat your customers. #MakeMomProud!" username="@patperdue"]

Jeanne asks the question that gets to the heart of it:
[bctt tweet="Would you turn down your mom's warranty claim 2 days after it expired?  Probably not, but that's how many companies treat their customers.  Treating your customers like you would treat your mom provides a fabulous shorthand to get to the heart of the right thing to do for the customer. Listen to @JeanneBliss on Pat Perdue's Customer Experience Podcast " username="@patperdue"]
This will be your go to book to give to your clients and best customers.   It's a great, fun read that's also includes 32 case studies and countless anecdotes.
[bctt tweet="Would You Do That to Your Mother: The #MakeMomProud Standard for How to Treat Your Customers by @JeanneBliss is a must-read for anyone who has customers (= everyone).   This is already my favourite book to give away, and will be yours too! " username="@patperdue"]
Written in the voice of an archetypal, occasionally (lovingly) chastising mom, chapter titles are often hilarious, including, "Don't Make Me Feed You Soap!"
Throughout our conversation, Jeanne brings her trademark real-world vision of what great experience looks like, combined with the rare operational expertise to help big companies see through the bureaucracy and get to the heart of what's right.
Click here to order yours
Join the Make Mom Proud Movement here!
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