Curiosity Daily

Curiosity Daily

Latest Episodes

Finding What You Love to Do (w/ David Epstein) and How to Deliver Bad News
July 10, 2019

Learn about how to find what you love doing and excel at it, from author David Epstein. You’ll also learn about why you should always present good news along with bad news.

Why Generalists Triumph (w/ David Epstein) and What Causes Puffy Eyes After Crying
July 09, 2019

Learn about why your eyes get puffy when you cry. You’ll also learn about the benefits of being a generalist instead of a specialist from a special guest: author David Epstein.

Never Hit the Snooze Button, Unblock Your Creativity with a 4-Year-Old, and Dinosaur Colors
July 08, 2019

Learn about how a 4-year-old can help you unblock your creativity; how we figured out what color dinosaurs were; and why you should never hit the snooze button.

Black Hole Edges (w/ Ralph Crewe), Your Brain’s Backup Plan, and Healthy Tanning Tips
July 07, 2019

Learn about how to get your best tan with the least amount of damage; the surprising relationship between short-term and long-term memories; and whether black holes have “edges,” with some help from special guest Ralph Crewe from the podcast Science, News

Spontaneous Human Combustion, Your Terrible Creep Radar, and Employee Honesty
July 05, 2019

Learn about why your creep radar is probably terrible; the science of spontaneous human combustion; and the one belief that determines employee honesty.

Fireworks Technology, Human Body’s Energy Limit, and Making Meat-Like Burgers from Plants
July 04, 2019

Learn about the energy limit of the human body; how they make meat-like burgers from plants; and the surprisingly advanced technology behind your favorite fireworks shows.

Admit What You Don’t Know, Moral Dilemmas of Self-Driving Cars, and Revolving Door Origins
July 03, 2019

Learn about the weird reason why revolving doors were invented; why people who can admit what they don’t know tend to know more; and why a thought experiment called the trolley problem may be more relevant than ever.

Individuals Really Can Slow Climate Change, Muscle Memory Is Real, and Penguin Waddles
July 02, 2019

Learn about why it’s good news that muscle memory is real; why a penguin’s waddle has some advantages over the way we humans walk; and new research that shows how individuals can have a bigger impact on slowing climate change than we thought.

Sweat is Not Detoxifying, How to Educate People About GMOs, and Mascara Mouth
July 01, 2019

Learn about why you open your mouth when you apply mascara or put in contacts; how to educate people if you want them to trust GMOs; and why sweat really is not detoxifying.

Without Space, We Die (w/ Kevin J. DeBruin), Breeding New Apples, and Ceres’ Ice Volcano
June 30, 2019

Learn about how agricultural experts make new types of apples; why the dwarf planet Ceres has a giant ice volcano; and why space matters, with some help from former NASA rocket scientist Kevin J. DeBruin.