Curiosity Daily

Curiosity Daily

Latest Episodes

You Don’t Run Out of Willpower, What Came Before the Big Bang, and Hookah Health Risks
September 11, 2019

Learn about why inflation theory says the Big Bang wasn’t actually the beginning of the universe; why hookah may be worse for you than cigarettes; and why you don’t actually run out of willpower, even if you think you do.

Emoji Around the World (w/ Gretchen McCulloch) and Plants May Have a Sense of Sight
September 10, 2019

Learn about how some plants may have a sense of sight. Then, learn about how emoji reflect cultural differences around the world, in the final edition of our “Hashtag Tuesdays” mini-series with internet linguist Gretchen McCulloch.

Beliefs That Boost Grades, Optimism for Better Sleep, and Planets More Habitable Than Earth
September 09, 2019

Learn about why there could be planets even more habitable than Earth; an online class that boosted grades by changing students’ beliefs; and why optimism may lead to better sleep.

Sibling Rivalry Benefits, Why The Universe Has No Center, and How to Know Yourself Better
September 06, 2019

Learn about the Johari window, a method to get to know yourself better; why sibling rivalry can actually be a good thing; and why there’s no center of the universe.

Why Birds Sing, Why Bruises Change Color, and America’s Largest Asteroid Impact
September 05, 2019

Learn about new insights into the Chesapeake Bay impact crater, America’s largest asteroid impact; why birds sing; and why your bruises change colors while they heal.

Sleep Better with a Bath, Questions That Stump Computers, and the Ghost Ship Mary Celeste
September 04, 2019

Learn about how scientists came up with a thousand questions that stump computers; what happened to the ghost ship Mary Celeste; and why a warm bath can help you sleep better.

International Internet Languages (w/ Gretchen McCulloch), Chances of Rain, and Mars in Spain
September 03, 2019

Learn about how you can go on a simulated mission to Mars (in Spain); and, what the weather forecast really means when it says there’s a chance of rain. You’ll also learn about how people around the world talk differently online, with internet linguist Gr

Censoring Information Backfires, Social Media’s Mental Health Benefits, and Tailgating Myths
September 02, 2019

Learn about why social media may not be as bad for mental health as we thought; why the Streisand effect says censoring information will probably backfire; and why tailgating at the light won’t get you through any faster.

Online Boomer Speak (w/ Gretchen McCulloch) and Is “Money Can’t Buy Happiness” True?
August 27, 2019

Learn why the phrase “money can’t buy happiness” isn’t always true. Then, learn how different generations write differently online, with some help from internet linguist and author Gretchen McCulloch.

Surprising Things in Libraries (w/ Alex Lent), Better Brainstorming Tips, and Prairie Vole Love
August 26, 2019

Learn about how debate can be good for brainstorms; a little rodent that can teach humans how to love; and the surprising things you can find in libraries, with special guest Alex Lent.