Curiosity Daily

Curiosity Daily

Latest Episodes

You Navigate with Your Nose, Busting 5 Summer Myths, and Using Horseshoe Crabs’ Blue Blood to Develop New Medicine
July 27, 2020

Learn about how humans literally use their noses to navigate; why the blue blood of horseshoe crabs is essential for developing drugs like a COVID-19 vaccine; and the truth behind 5 myths about summer dangers.

Fannie Farmer Created the Modern Cooking Recipe, the Shepard Scale Audio Illusion, and How Scientists Test the COVID-19 Vaccine
July 24, 2020

Learn how researchers test drugs for deadly diseases like COVID-19 (without exposing participants); how Fannie Farmer transformed cooking from folk art into science; and how the Shepard scale audio illusion makes it sound like a tone is rising forever.

Why Some People Can’t Recognize Faces, Weight-Lifting Strengthens Your Nerves Too, and Why Earth’s Core Doesn’t Melt
July 23, 2020

Learn about why you might feel stronger after just one workout; why the Earth’s core doesn’t melt, even though it’s so hot; and prosopagnosia, the surprising neurological condition of face blindness.

Teaching Kids to Not Be Prejudiced, Why Cats Have Vertical Pupils, and a Massive Stonehenge Discovery
July 22, 2020

Learn about why children develop racial prejudice unless their parents teach them otherwise; why archaeologists studying Stonehenge may have found the largest prehistoric structure in all of Europe; and why cats have vertical pupils.

The Need for Nature During Lockdown, Why Plants Are Green, and How Microbes and Parasites Might Make Us Healthier
July 21, 2020

Learn about why lockdown has made us need nature more than ever; why plants are green; and how microbes and parasites might actually make us healthier.

Stay Happy and Healthy by Maintaining Your Routines, How Dolphins Learn to Use Tools, and Can Adults Grow New Brain Cells?
July 20, 2020

Learn about whether adult neurogenesis can help humans grow new brain cells; the super cool way dolphins learn how to use tools; and how keeping good “zeitgeber hygiene” by sticking to a regular routine can keep you happy and healthy.

Waiting for the Best Option Lowers Your Standards, Spies Can Eavesdrop Using Light Bulbs, and Why Atoms Don’t Look Like the Solar System
July 17, 2020

Learn about how spies can use light bulbs to eavesdrop on conversations; why atoms remind us of our solar system; and how you predictably lower your standards when waiting for the best option.

Hack Your Short-Term Memory, The Wild Origins of Gallbladder Surgery, and Does Chocolate Cause Acne Breakouts?
July 16, 2020

Learn about whether chocolate actually causes acne breakouts; how to get around Miller’s law, which describes the limits of your short-term memory; and why one of the first gallbladder surgeries happened on a kitchen table.

The First Prescription Video Game, Solving the Mystery of Short-Term Memory, and Hummingbirds’ Extraordinary Vision
July 15, 2020

Learn about the first physical evidence that shows how our brains store short-term memory; EndeavorRx, the first ever prescription video game; and why hummingbirds can see colors that you can’t.

Blame Trolling on “Everyday Sadism,” How to Sleep Better During Lockdown, and a Breakthrough in Random Number Generation
July 14, 2020

Learn about why “everyday sadism” might help explain trolling and bullying; why our quality of sleep is worse during lockdown (and how to fix it); and a breakthrough random number generation algorithm that could help researchers analyze complex systems.