Curiosity Daily

Curiosity Daily

Latest Episodes

Why Do Young People Have More Déjà Vu?
September 21, 2020

Learn about whether animals can predict earthquakes, why younger folks experience déjà vu more often, and how software that helped us reach the moon was literally woven by hand.

Children Led a Research Project, Painting Eyes on Cow Butts, and Whether to Rinse Your Recycling
September 18, 2020

Learn about how children led their own research project into what they really think of adults, how painting eyes on cow butts could help solve a wildlife conservation problem, and whether it’s a good idea to rinse out your recycling.

Why You Think You’re Too Smart for Ads, Studying Violinists to Understand Human Synchrony, and Relieving Pain by Holding Hands
September 17, 2020

Learn about how a phenomenon called the third-person effect makes us think we’re too smart for advertising to work on us, why scientists used violinists to study how humans sync in a complex network, and why you can relieve pain by holding hands!

A Dark Sense of Humor May Mean a High IQ, Origin of the Word Orange, and Zombie Fires in the Arctic
September 16, 2020

Learn about how that dark sense of humor can mean a higher IQ, the origin of the word “orange,” and how the arctic produces “zombie fires.”

Can Smiling Actually Make You Happier? And Why a Clockmaker Figured Out Longitude
September 15, 2020

Learn whether smiling can actually make you feel happier and why it took John Harrison, a working-class clockmaker, to figure out longitude.

Two Types of Empathy, Why Razors Dull, and Can You Learn Perfect Pitch?
September 14, 2020

Learn about how there are two types of empathy — and why we need both, why sturdy steel razors dull, and whether it’s possible to learn perfect pitch.

We All Think We’re Bad With Names, The Genius of Hobo Code, and How Attractive Do You Think You Are?
September 11, 2020

Learn about why everyone claims they’re awful at remembering names; how “hobo code” helped itinerant workers communicate in the 1900s; and whether you probably see yourself as more attractive than you really are.

A Harmful Mutation Evolved for Good, Why Astronauts Are Using Old Sailing Tech in Space, and Cody’s Message
September 10, 2020

Learn about how a mutation that evolved to protect us against malaria actually makes us more prone to other diseases; and why astronauts are using old sailing technology (sextants) to navigate through space. Plus: a special update from Cody!

The Rando Who Translated Gilgamesh, Why Horses Lost Their Toes, and a Sperm-Swimming Discovery
September 09, 2020

Learn about how the Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the oldest texts in the world, was first translated not by a scientist, but by an engraver’s apprentice named George Smith; how horses lost their toes; and why sperm swim differently than scientists previously

Difference Between Unscented & Fragrance-Free and Cow Gene Editing for More Male Offspring
September 08, 2020

Learn why fragrance-free is NOT the same as unscented and how a cow named Cosmo was genetically edited so he’ll have more male offspring.