Curiosity Daily

Curiosity Daily

Latest Episodes

The Time Pi Was Almost Legally Changed to 3.2
December 23, 2020

Learn about how speed listening to podcasts (or "podfasting") affects our emotions; the health differences between white and brown rice; and the time pi was once almost legally changed to 3.2.

Why Do Bats Cause So Many Virus Outbreaks?
December 22, 2020

Learn about why bats are the source of so many deadly virus outbreaks; and the surprisingly strong influence older siblings can have on their brothers and sisters — just in time for Siblings Day. Then, test your knowledge from this podcast with a Curiosit

Why It's Good to Reveal Your Failures
December 21, 2020

Learn about why successful people should reveal their failures; the extreme story of the death of planet WASP-12b; and why tulips used to cost more than houses during a period known as “tulip mania.”

Do Single-A Batteries Exist?
December 18, 2020

Learn about whether there’s such a thing as “single A” batteries; 5 surprising ways volunteering improves your physical health; and how duckbill dinosaurs may have crossed an ocean to reach Africa.

Early Female Hunters Were More Common Than We Thought
December 17, 2020

Learn about why ants are better farmers than we'll ever be; how female big-game hunters were likely common in the early Americas; and why presenting too much evidence could actually make you lose an argument, thanks to the overkill backfire effect.

How Psilocybin Therapy Can Ease Depression
December 16, 2020

Infectious disease doctor and researcher Dr. Lawrence Purpura discusses herd immunity and the coronavirus pandemic. Then, learn about how psilocybin therapy might be able to treat depression, and why credit card chips are safer than magnetic strips.

What Are Monoclonal Antibodies? (w/ Dr. Lawrence Purpura)
December 15, 2020

Dr. Lawrence Purpura explains monoclonal antibodies and the different types of treatments that could help us fight the coronavirus. Plus: learn why the universe seems to hate odd numbers.

Why Birds Wore Funny Hats for Science
December 14, 2020

Learn about how curiosity gives your memory a boost; what happened when researchers put feathered hats on birds to see if other birds found them sexy; and how we trick bacteria into making insulin for us.

5G Might Impair Weather Forecasts
November 04, 2020

Learn about how 5G may impair weather forecasts, and how the first confirmed exoplanet was discovered a lot more recently than you may realize. Plus, science writer John Tierney is back to explore how negativity bias affects our relationships.

How to Make the Most of Your Negativity Bias (w/ John Tierney)
November 03, 2020

Learn about two new neuroscience studies that show why birds are so dang smart. Then science writer John Tierney will talk negativity bias and how you can use it to your own benefit.