Curiosity Daily

Curiosity Daily

Latest Episodes

Exercising for Body Image, Ideal Deadlines, Longer Days from Climate Change
January 12, 2022

Learn about how a 30-minute workout can boost your body image; the ideal deadline to avoid procrastination; and how climate change could make the day longer. A 30-Minute Workout Is A Surefire Way To Boost Your Body Image by Anna Todd MacMillan, A. (2017,

Quitting Smoking, Over-Practicing, Bill Nye on Believing Science
January 07, 2022

Learn how quitting smoking helps mental health; how to avoid over-practicing; and how to get people to believe science. Quitting smoking is good for your mental health, too by Steffie Drucker Cochrane Review finds stopping smoking is linked to improved m

David Copperfield’s Magic on the Moon, Fish and Whale Tails, a Giant Magnetic Tunnel
January 06, 2022

Learn about where to find David Copperfield’s secrets; a magnetic tunnel surrounding the Earth; and marine mammal tails. More from David Copperfield: Pick up "David Copperfield's History of Magic":

David Copperfield Talks Technology and Magic History
January 05, 2022

World-famous magician David Copperfield explains the surprising connection between magic and technology. Plus: learn about how ducklings get a speed boost when they swim in a line behind their mother. More from David Copperfield: Pick up "David Copperfie

Christmas Music Psychology, Most Influential Films, Mistletoe Science
December 20, 2021

Learn about why Christmas music sounds like Christmas; the most influential films ever; and the truth behind mistletoe. The stories in this episode originally aired on these dates: December 21, 2018: "Scientists Have Determined the Most Influential Film

Future GMO Foods, The Thought Gap, How Your Brain Knows You’re Uncomfortable
December 17, 2021

Learn about why researchers are developing new GMO foods like golden rice; why you underestimate how often others are thinking about you; and how your brain knows when you’re uncomfortable and you need to change your position. FDA's Feed Your Mind websit

Introducing: Dogs 101
December 17, 2021

Is there a biological reason why humans are drawn to puppies? How long does a canine pregnancy last, and what's the average litter size? When are puppies able to first see and hear? Find out the answers on this episode of Dogs 101 where we'll guide you st

GMO Food Science 101 and How to Hear Someone in a Noisy Room
December 16, 2021

Learn about GMOs with help from Dr. Patrick Cournoyer of the FDA. Plus: a trick for hearing someone in a noisy room.  FDA's Feed Your Mind website:  To hear someone in a noisy room, look at t

Magic Mushroom Evolution and When Kids Gain Theory of Mind
November 16, 2021

Learn about why magic mushrooms evolved to be “magic” and new research into when children develop “theory of mind.”  Magic mushrooms evolved to scramble insect brains by Cameron Duke Hallucinogenic mushrooms drug profile. (2020). https://www.e

Circumtriple Planets, Deep Convos with Strangers, Thomassons in Architecture
November 15, 2021

Learn about a planet orbiting three stars at once; useless architectural relics; and deep conversations with strangers.  We found a planet orbiting three stars at once by Briana Brownell This May Be the First Planet Found Orbiting 3 Stars at Once. (2021)