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Why Asthma Gets Worse at Night, Earth’s Largest Living Thing

November 09, 2021

Learn about a heroic experiment that helps explain asthma getting worse at night; and the largest living thing on earth.

A heroic experiment has shed light on the centuries-old mystery of why asthma gets worse at night by Grant Currin
Harrison, S. (2021, September 21). Why Does Asthma Get Worse at Night? Wired; WIRED. 
Study explores why asthma worsens at night. (2021). ScienceDaily. 
Scheer, F. A. J. L., Hilton, M. F., Evoniuk, H. L., Shiels, S. A., Malhotra, A., Sugarbaker, R., Ayers, R. T., Israel, E., Massaro, A. F., & Shea, S. A. (2021). The endogenous circadian system worsens asthma at night independent of sleep and other daily behavioral or environmental cycles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(37), e2018486118. 

The largest living thing on earth is not the blue whale by Cameron Duke
Fishlake National Forest - Home. (2021).
Lydia Ramsey Pflanzer. (2017, May 6). Largest living organism the Armillaria ostoyae fungus. Business Insider; Business Insider.
Marshall, M. (2018). Humongous fungus is older than Christianity and weighs 400 tonnes. New Scientist.
Prepelka, B. (2019). Sequoia Giants - General Sherman - California.
Schmitt, C. (n.d.). The Malheur National Forest Location of the World’s Largest Living Organism [The Humongous Fungus].

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