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mRNA Vaccines Are Decades Old and Why White Animal Bellies?

November 02, 2021

Learn about why mRNA vaccines are older than you think; and the scientific theories about why animals have white bellies. 

mRNA vaccines are older than you think by Grant Currin 
Dolgin, E. (2021). The tangled history of mRNA vaccines. Nature, 597(7876), 318–324. 
‌Lewis, T. (2021, September 15). An mRNA Pioneer Discusses How Her Work Led to the COVID Vaccines. Scientific American. 
‌Harvard University. (2021). How mRNA vaccines work [YouTube Video]. In YouTube. 

Why do so many animals have white bellies? Here are the theories by Cameron Duke 

Exhibit Galleries Blog. (2016).
Harris, J., & Olivier Penacchio. (2015, October 7). Sunscreen or camouflage? Why so many animals have dark backs and pale bellies. The Conversation.
Penacchio, O., Cuthill, I. C., Lovell, P. G., Ruxton, G. D., & Harris, J. M. (2015). Orientation to the sun by animals and its interaction with crypsis. Functional Ecology, 29(9), 1165–1177.
Penacchio, O., Lovell, P. G., Cuthill, I. C., Ruxton, G. D., & Harris, J. M. (2015). Three-Dimensional Camouflage: Exploiting Photons to Conceal Form. The American Naturalist, 186(4), 553–563.

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