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Curiosity Daily

Synced Heartbeats During Stories, Vampire Bats’ Social Meals

October 26, 2021

Learn about how people synchronize their heart rates when listening to a story; and vampire bats meeting up for meals.

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People synchronize their heart rates when listening to a story, even when they're in different places by Grant Currin 
When Choirs Sing, Many Hearts Beat As One. (2013, July 10). 
‌UCL. (2017, November 17). Audience members’ hearts beat together at the theatre. UCL Psychology and Language Sciences. 
Pérez, P., Madsen, J., Banellis, L., Türker, B., Raimondo, F., Perlbarg, V., Valente, M., Niérat, M.-C., Puybasset, L., Naccache, L., Similowski, T., Cruse, D., Parra, L. C., & Sitt, J. D. (2021). Conscious processing of narrative stimuli synchronizes heart rate between individuals. Cell Reports, 36(11), 109692. 
Tibi Puiu. (2021, September 14). Our heart rates synchronize when closely listening to the same stories. ZME Science; ZME Science. 
‌The Project Gutenberg E-text of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (slightly abridged), by Jules Verne. (2016). 

Vampire bats meet up with friends for lunch by Grant Currin
Vampire bats may coordinate with “friends” over a bite to eat. (2021, September 23). EurekAlert! 
Ripperger, S. P., & Carter, G. G. (2021). Social foraging in vampire bats is predicted by long-term cooperative relationships. PLOS Biology, 19(9), e3001366. 
‌Spivack, E. (2021, September 28). Vampire bats rendezvous with their friends when dining out. Popular Science. 
Vampire bat adoption episode: 

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