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We Found the First Pregnant Mummy Ever Documented

June 22, 2021

Learn about a pregnant mummy; the three body problem; and why you should take off your shoes when you enter your house.

A newly discovered pregnant mummy is raising questions about ancient Egyptian beliefs by Grant Currin
Johnson, S. (2021, May 5). First-ever pregnant Egyptian mummy discovered. Big Think; Big Think. 
In a First, Researchers Discover a Pregnant Egyptian Mummy. (2021). The New York Times. 
‌Ejsmond, W., Ożarek-Szilke, M., Jaworski, M., & Szilke, S. (2021). A pregnant ancient egyptian mummy from the 1st century BC. Journal of Archaeological Science, 105371. 

New development in solving the three body problem by Briana Brownell
Kervella, P., Thévenin, F., & Lovis, C. (2017). Proxima’s orbit around α Centauri. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 598, L7. 
‌Alpha Centauri System | Facts, Information, History & Definition. (2019, December 6). The Nine Planets. 
Wood,LiveScience, C. (2021, May 7). Physicists Edge Closer to Taming the Three-Body Problem. Scientific American. 

How Important Is It to Take Your Shoes Off as Soon as You Get in the House? originally aired May 7, 2018 

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