Waiting for Service

Waiting for Service

Latest Episodes

Episode 38 - How to reduce the cognitive load on an Agent
November 19, 2018

Contact center cognitive load and how to reduce it

Episode 37 - The 3 Imperatives for Contact center Leaders
November 10, 2018

Your mission as a leader of a contact center is pretty simple. Make work more meaningful for your employees to do that do these 3 things.  

Episode 36 - Why you need to be a Persuasion Expert in CX w Jeff
September 20, 2018

Why is persuasion in such a high demand from a business perspective?

Episode 35 - Why we need to rethink QA
September 20, 2018

CX QA is due for a makeover here are 3 reasons

Episode 34 - Stop Telling Call Center Agents when to use the Bathroom
August 28, 2018

We need to improve the Customer Service Agent's Experience

Episode 32 - Why Benchmarking is a waste of Time
May 20, 2018

Customer Experience needs to be personal and copy…

Episode 31 - What call center leadership looks like after AI eliminates jobs (w/Darren Ford)
February 19, 2018

- Remember the paper- less office - How will we s…

Episode 30 - The Service Industry Is Still Measuring The Wrong Things
February 02, 2018

I had an interesting conversation with a colleagu…

Episode 29 - Why you can't listen to the experts
January 13, 2018

We worked in 70 year old company, I wanted to run…
