Erica Perla’s Astro

Erica Perla’s Astro

Latest Episodes

#thedailytransit - july 27th, 2019
July 27, 2019

inner child, inner work, arguments in the home but wanting to resolve it, renovation in the home, and more. i hope you enjoy.

#thedailytransit - 7/19/19
July 20, 2019

this is a discussion on the transits for today, july 19th, 2019. i went into the personal planets of the world chart to see what the primary focuses are for the collective! i hope you enjoy, i ramble a lot though so keep up with me!

12 houses in astrology
March 19, 2019

okay we’re going in the 12 houses of life ! sorry for sounding so word vomity & confused but yea i hope you enjoy and understand each house i explain to you ;)

planets in astrology !!
January 18, 2019

tonight we talk about the meanings of the planets in astrology. from sun to pluto, i'm keeping it simple for those beginning in astrology to listen to the different traits each planet rules. enjoy ♡