CU On The Air Podcast

CU On The Air Podcast

CU President Kennedy’s coronavirus update

April 29, 2020

CU President Mark Kennedy sat down this week with CU on the Air host Ken McConnellogue to provide updates to the CU community.

* How CU is rallying remotely
* CU’s budget and the possible impacts of coronavirus
* Federal engagement for relief for higher ed
* Work underway with the governor, legislature
* How we will continue to deliver our mission to our students and state
* Joining with higher ed institutions across the state for a collective voice
* Our bipartisan support from our Colorado delegation
* It’s a stay-at-home summer, but what might fall look like?
* Investigating research protocols going forward
* The important alignment of CU’s Board of Regents, system administration and the campuses
* A huge THANK YOU to CU’s faculty and staff for the remarkable work they are doing, and their tenacity and unwavering support of CU’s mission


* CU President Kennedy’s COVID statements
* CU coronavirus resources page