Sunday Spirit

Sunday Spirit

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“Let’s Argue It Out” – Rev. George Hooper
August 11, 2019

The post “Let’s Argue It Out” – Rev. George Hooper appeared first on Community United Methodist Church.

“Seeking Judgement” – Rev. George Hooper
August 04, 2019

The post “Seeking Judgement” – Rev. George Hooper appeared first on Community United Methodist Church.

“Beneath the Surface” – Rev. George Hooper
July 21, 2019

Today we celebrate the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost. 

“Engaged” – Rev. George Hooper
July 14, 2019

Today we celebrate the Fifth Sunday After Pentecost.

“Redemption Value” – Rev. George Hooper
July 07, 2019

Today we welcome our new pastor and his family, Rev. George Hooper, wife Kathy, daughter Lizzie and son Ben.

“Making the Best of a Bad Situation” – Suzanne Morgan
June 30, 2019

Today we celebrate Music Camp Sunday with our worship leader Suzanne Morgan, CUMC’s Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries.

“What Do You Do With A Problem” – Rev. Evelyn Eberle
June 16, 2019

Today we honor our high school grads and welcome to the pulpit Reverend Evelyn Eberle. She is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries and currently serves as co-Pastor of the First United Methodist Church of Ketchikan, Alaska.

“When the Spirit Shows Us” – Rev. Ginny Wheeler
June 09, 2019

This week we celebrate Rev. Ginny’s years of dedicated service to others as she transitions from active United Methodist Church ministry to retirement … go with God!

“Reflections” – Rev. Ginny Wheeler
June 03, 2019

Today we celebrate the next-to-last Sunday in Rev. Ginny’s 30-years of ministry!

“Full Love Tank” – Rev. Ginny Wheeler
May 26, 2019

Today we celebrate the Sixth Sunday After Easter.