Sunday Spirit

Sunday Spirit

Latest Episodes

“Living Your Life Differently” – Rev. Ginny Wheeler
September 13, 2015

"This is the Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost"

“Be Opened” – Rev. Ginny Wheeler
September 06, 2015

This is the fifteenth Sunday after Pentacost

“Talk is Cheap” – Suzanne Morgan – Christian Education & Caring Ministries
August 30, 2015

Today we celebrate the fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost.

“The Cardinal Way” – Rev. Ginny Wheeler
August 16, 2015

Today we celebrate the twelfth Sunday after Pentecost.

“The Magic of Manna” – Rev. Ginny Wheeler
August 10, 2015

Today we celebrate the eleventh Sunday after Pentecost.

“Sin Boldly … but trust God more boldly still” – Rev. Ginny Wheeler
August 02, 2015

The post “Sin Boldly … but trust God more boldly still” – Rev. Ginny Wheeler appeared first on Community United Methodist Church.

“Original Blessing” – Rev. Ginny Wheeler
July 19, 2015

Today we celebrate the eighth Sunday after Pentecost ...

“The Burning Bush” – Rev. Grace Choi
July 13, 2015

Today is Missions Sunday and we're blessed to have as our guest preacher the Reverend Grace Choi who follows her call to missionary ministry at Harris Memorial College in the Philippines.

“Tips for the Road” – Rev. Ginny Wheeler
July 06, 2015

Today we celebrate the sixth Sunday after Pentecost ...

“Judgment, Justice and Joy” – Rev. Ginny Wheeler
June 30, 2015

The post “Judgment, Justice and Joy” – Rev. Ginny Wheeler appeared first on Community United Methodist Church.