Culture Class Podcast

Culture Class Podcast

Ep 086- The Arya Samaj (w/ Utkarsh Rai)

August 10, 2020

Arya Samaj, a socio-religious movement that started in India in 1875, is pillared on Vedic values and experiences of Swami Dayanand. The movement started with defining God, the living, and nature as Eternals. The Arya Samaj picked up when it started working against unpopular religious practices like child marriage, untouchability in Indian society, and depletion status of women. Highlighting the role of Anglo-Vedic education, practicing general societal good and democratic leadership structure are some of many values which the members still adhere to by this day.

This episode does not attempt a detailed examination of the movement but captures the experiences of the speaker who grew up in an environment and values of the Arya Samaj.