Cuisine Bites

Cuisine Bites

Latest Episodes

THE VISIONARIES - Food & Wine Country
August 15, 2021

The people behind what we cook, eat and drink are the true drivers of the New Zealand food & drink story. The movers and shakers that have led their communities, inspiring and motivating the good peop

A Sense Of Change...
January 01, 2021

What will 2021 bring?In particular, for our hospitality industry its a big question.This is a collection of conversations that I had across a time period that spanned lockdown to the end of 2020 to

More Than Just A Mouthful. Martin Bosley.
October 27, 2020

This renowned New Zealand chef and ex-restaurateur has sliced up his heart to serve it to you in a multitude of pieces in this episode. As a result, it is a conversation that is way too special to be condensed into 40 minutes… it’s a story of an uncompro.

The Back Story
October 12, 2020

I'm told that Wellington had well and truly established itself as New Zealand's culinary capital in the 80's. The long lunch was in and as patrons quaffed champagne through their expense account meals it seems 'French Inspired' was the theme behind the m.

On Common Ground
October 04, 2020

In a post-COVID world what does Visa Wellington On A Plate bring to the table with regards to tourism, economic development and the telling of the all-important New Zealand food story? The festival runs for the month of October with hundreds of venues ri.

Kitchen Conversations Vaughan Mabee
July 02, 2020

Amisfield Restaurant & Cellar in Central Otago is home to New Zealands Cuisine Good Food award-winning Chef of the year Vaughan Mabee. So it stands to reason that this superb winery restaurant should

Kitchen Conversations Sid & Chand Sahrawat
June 22, 2020

The third in our series of very personal kitchen conversations, this episode celebrates Chand & Sid Sahrawat. They are the couple behind 3 highly respected and loved Auckland restaurants, Cassia, Sid at The French Cafe & the Cuisine Good Food Awards Rest.

Kitchen Conversations Fleur Sullivan
June 17, 2020

Our very special guest is one of those people with a name that is instantly recognised and following that recognition, there is always a big smile. She is one of our most loved New Zealand restaurateurs, a South Island legend with a career spanning well .

Kitchen Conversations Ben Bayly
June 08, 2020

There is a fabulous new show on THREE. It airs at 5.30 on Saturdays and its called A New Zealand Food Story. It follows multiple award-winning chef, Ben Bayly, as he works towards opening his new Re

Feeding The Future
March 14, 2020

Its a glorious but tough gig working your way up the professional culinary ladder. Working long hours, in sometimes hot and cramped spaces, giving so much of yourself for very little in return. You can understand why many dont end up choosing to be a ch