The Cubic Shenanigans Podcast

Belakor And The Crew Are Back…Slaves To Darkness Battletome Review – Episode 157
Belakor and the crew are back…time to review the new Slaves To Darkness Battletome! Had a good time with this one. I finished with a different opinion than when we started except…Darkoath still doesn’t feel right. That being said, my Darkorth Spearhead arrived as I was editing the show, and its a beauty! Also a brief event recap to fill things out.
Thanks as always for joining us. Your support is truly appreciated.
1:26 Whispers From The Warp
18:34 The Emperor Lies
18:34 Forming The Phalanx Event Recap
30:50 Slaves to Darkness Battletome Review – Part I
1:29:03 Slaves to Darkness Battletome Review – Part II
1:59:14 Slaves to Darkness Battletome Review – Part III
2:14:07 Scriptorium
2:22:40 This or That
2:34:11 Show Close