The Cubic Shenanigans Podcast

Back To Basics…Event Recap Time – Episode 156
Well that was nice…this episode is about two hours shorter than the last two! That being said, time for us to get back to something we haven’t done in a while…event recaps. Brendan heads to Indy for BolterCon, and I head south to Chicago for my first Holy Havoc. What a blast! All the normal kit as well…enjoy an episode that you can listen to on just about a round trip commute!
Thanks as always for joining us. Your support is truly appreciated.
2:13 Whispers From The Warp
12:54 The Emperor Lies
12:54 BolterCon & Holy Havoc Recaps – Part I
55:09 BolterCon & Holy Havoc Recaps – Part II
1:17:34 Scriptorium
1:25:13 This or That
1:37:01 Show Close