The Cubic Shenanigans Podcast

Rats With A LONG Tail…Skaven Battletome Review – Episode 154
Whew…this is along one…but don’t worry…we have you covered with time stamps! Our first 4th Ed Battletome review…Skaven! Brendan has returned and Dave joins us for a walk though of this beasty tome, including two Armies and two Regiments of Renown. Some pretty scary shooting units in this book, and one of the Armies of Renown is a contender for “most fun.” Take this one in small bites and enjoy!
Thanks as always for joining us. Your support is truly appreciated.
2:46 Whispers From The Warp
25:55 The Emperor Lies
25:55 Dan’s Rant Corner
36:30 Skaven Battletome Review – Part I
1:29:13 Skaven Battletome Review – Part II
2:18:34 Skaven Battletome Review – Part III
2:43:23 Scriptorium
2:49:22 This or That
2:58:50 Show Close