Closer to the Fire with Greg Musselman

Season 5: Episode 10: Vietnam: Christians Face Opposition and Violence
Several followers of Jesus have recently experienced situations of severe persecution in the Southeast Asian country of Vietnam. In one recent case, a house church leader identified as Brother Ting was tragically killed after he refused to stop holding worship meetings. A week after Brother Ting was murdered, his wife Mar was found dead in her home, leaving the couple’s children orphaned.
Brother Paul , who serves as the Project Partner Manager for Voice of the Martyrs Australia, joins Closer to the Fire host Greg Musselman to discuss why Christians are encountering escalating opposition in many rural communities throughout this Communist nation. During their conversation, Paul explains how the global body of Christ is coming alongside persecuted Vietnamese believers to provide greatly needed support, relief and encouragement. He also describes the specific ways in which VOM Australia is supplying financial and emotional support to the traumatized children of Brother Ting and Mar.
Length: 32 minutes
To Watch the interview with Paul Paduhilao
Episode Notes
Voice of the Martyrs Australia:
Voice of the Martyrs Canada: