Closer to the Fire with Greg Musselman

Closer to the Fire with Greg Musselman

Season 4: Episode 17: Somalia The Extreme Dangers of Following Jesus

May 09, 2024

Six Kenyan merchants, all of them professed followers of Jesus, were recently killed in a border town between Kenya and Somalia. Those responsible for the incident are suspected to be members of al-Shabaab, a militant Islamic group based in Somalia. The six victims of the attack had been selling plastic utensils and other household goods for the past six years. It’s believed that the Christians were killed because they were active in sharing the Gospel with local Muslims. On the 2024 World Watch List, Open Doors ranked Somalia as second among the 50 listed nations considered to be the most difficult for those practising Christianity.

In this edition of the Closer to the Fire podcast, host Greg Musselman is joined by a Somalian Christian leader who equips and trains followers of Jesus living in the war-torn country. “Joshua” (not his real name) provides insight into the many challenges facing believers in the Muslim-majority nation and why the church continues to grow amid intense persecution, even in areas where there are no church buildings. During the interview, the Muslim-background believer also shares about his personal journey to faith in Jesus.

 Length 45:30

The Voice of the Martyrs Canada:

To learn more about the persecution of Christians in Somalia, visit: