CSC Talk Radio

CSC Talk Radio

You Might Be In a Constitutional Crisis If…

February 13, 2025

3579 – February 13, 2025 – You Might Be In a Constitutional Crisis If…

you discover that government not funding an NGO shuts down the NGO…

congress members are holding cursing rallies and writing songs… instead of figuring out the next CR…

handpicked federal judges believe they can TRUMP a sitting President of the United States…

if you discover that the DOD paid Reuters $9 million to study “large scale social deception”…

a hospital CEO making $1.2 million dollars a year and having a $98 million stock portfolio sent a 71-year-old woman home without needed oxygen, when USAID funding was cutoff… the patient died…

Federal Judge, Jack McConnell called President Trump a tyrant and ordered him to restore USAID funding… however, Jack donated over $700,000 to democrats, who recommended him to Obama for his appointment… the same (now wealthier) democrats then refused to recuse themselves from his confirmation vote…

the US Dept of Education sent $3 million on a contract to write a report that showed that prior reports are not being read…  TRUE STORY!  Look on…

an elected official (AOC) hosts a webinar instructing illegal aliens on how to evade ICE…

if your elected officials have never studied the Constitution of the United States YET take an oath to uphold it… YET hold rallies to obstruct it…

if USAID is paying political news outlets to print their choice of news… aka POLITICO and the AP.

Destructive – Evil – Manipulative – Obstructive – Corrupt – Rats (or racists) – Absolute – Tyrants

When the elected officials (unfortunately both sides of the aisle) discovered they could USE governmental departments to prop up their political agendas…control the media… funnel money hither and yonder and back into their own pockets… The United States then entered into a Constitutional Crisis.

There is no Crisis caused by auditing, BUT there is a revealing of a long-time existing Crisis.

You Might Be In a Constitutional Crisis If…

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