Latest Episodes

All Good Things Must End.......
May 22, 2020

Bob's back for his final episode of The Crush HAIL Academy podcast, and talks about how he's taken advantage of the shutdown to reflect on 2020 so far and his incredibly hard decision to wrap up this podcast series. “Amazing gratitude for everyone who cam

Where do you stand??
March 29, 2020

Bob's in lock down, discussing his latest project of defining his relationships inside of his business...

Dude, you need to chill....
March 15, 2020

Bob's back discussing a recent conversation had inside of his Warrior group and also talks about a few stories from his past.....

The Man On The Island
February 17, 2020

After a brief update on the world of Dentsmart, Bob talks about a concept he first learned about in his early days of Warrior.  "The Man On The Island."

Happy New Year! Now Set your DAMN targets...
February 03, 2020

After a 2 month hiatus, Bob is back and alive and well:)) In this episode, Bob talks about his year end review of all areas of his life and the clarity that provided him to lay out  not only his 2020 targets but also regarding what (and who) stays an

If you really want to live, learn to forgive.
November 16, 2019

In episode 2 of season three, Bob gives a brief "state of the company" update following his recent trip to Orlando Florida for the Dentsmart Owners meetings. Then he moves onto a topic he's admittedly procrastinated on discussing until an experience with

940 Saturdays
November 06, 2019

Bob kicks off Season 3 talking about an experience he had, when he came across some pictures of his daughter on Instagram and how fast life moves....

Establish your presence in your market or your competitor will.
October 15, 2019

This week Bob returns and reports on the wholesale gig, and then discusses the importance of establishing your business presence in your community before your competition does...

Take care of those who take care of you.
October 02, 2019

This week, Bob returns and reports on the hail job at the shop and discusses the importance of taking care of his technicians.

Who blew up my bathroom!?!
September 20, 2019

Bob discusses an unusual Friday morning challenge before getting to the system they're using to increase efficiency in their shop.