The Crusade Channel Previews

The Crusade Channel Previews

From Texas Secession To Uniting The Catholic Rad Trad Clans – Mike Church’s Interview With Taylor Marshall

March 27, 2019

Special Guest Marshall Taylor

Used to be an Anglican Priest

Follow Marshall here: @TaylorRMarshall

* From the Great State of Texas so I totally agree with you on that.
* December 25th - March 25th Annunciation
* Not only Catholic tradition but we know our Blessed Lady was not effected by Original Sin.
* Mothers don’t forget any details of the birth of their children.
* The liturgy is not about personal preference. It is about worshiping adoring the Blessed Trinity. Everyone needs to repeat this OVER and OVER.
* We are doing this for God NOT ourselves!
* It is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.
* I don’t like the Priest is speaking Latin…..well he isn’t doing it for YOU!
* Catholic America - how boring that would be. INCORRECT
* Dogma/Liturgy/Prayer & Devotion
* This is why he is so revered even in this very day.
* Taylor Marshall Pope Kiss Ring on YouTube - WHY DID POPE FRANCIS REFUSE KISSING OF HIS RING?
* You get an indulgence when you are allowed to kiss the Popes ring.
* RECAP from previous Headline: Is Francis Losing His Mind? (Bizarre Behavior Rattles Catholic Faithful)
* Indulgences when kissing the rings: Pope 300 / Cardinal 200/ Bishop 50
* This isn’t done to honor Pope Francis, this is to honor the OFFICE that he holds.
* The Holy Father has an obligation to the duties the office holds.
* The indulgence has been cancelled but the custom is still in place.
* The Cardinals wear a red hat b/c they are supposed to be willing to shed their BLOOD for Christ and His people!
* He doesn’t wear this red hat because it is a ‘fabulous’ hat!
* It isn’t just to be cool!
* Why does he wear this ring? It is a sign of his office. His stripes or his ranks.
* #SmellsNBells
* Tune out in 8 minutes in the Homily, yeah…if the homily is horrible!
* We told stories around the fireplace. That was entertainment.
* Father Jerry how you have to vote on immigration then test you want to run to the parking lot.
* If they are talking about sacraments and your eternal destiny that is an investment you WANT to listen to!
* Quality and Quantity are what people want know.
* We Christian Conservatives need to wake up and realize we need to better our ‘content’.
* We must stop the bad media, no more Priests and Monks and Sisters just regurgitating the faith.
* We need people that happen to be Catholic that are really entertaining also!
* It really bothers me when people want to debate me but use a fake name.
* NO, our names are attached to what we say.
* You don’t have to be perfect but you do have to be accountable.
* You have to do some research and KNOW what you are talking about.
* It forces you to hone your craft/vocation when you attach your name to it.
* Back to our theme Uniting The Clans - What can each of us do so that we CAN unite the clans against the common enemy.
* We cross pollenate! We share ideas, come together at conferences.
* We must humanize each other as well.