The Crusade Channel Previews

The Crusade Channel Previews

It’s Valentine, Saint Valentine’s Day – The Mike Church Show

February 14, 2019

Mandeville, La

 Red Pill Topics & Headlines


Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Happy Saint Valentine’s Day -

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World.

Cap and Trade Bill or American Clean Energy and Security Act
FROM TWITTER - Ed Markey @SenMarkey
“Don’t let Mitch McConnell fool you: this is nothing but an attempt to sabotage the movement we are building. He wants to silence your voice so Republicans don’t have to explain why they are climate change deniers. McConnell wants this to be the end, this is just the beginning.”


AUDIO/VIDEO: The Pet Shop Boys - On Social Media

Social Media is NOT reality!
Twitter is NOT real!
Sadly we HAVE to use social media here at the Crusade Channel.

HEADLINE: These photos reveal why the 27-year-old organizer of the disastrous Fyre Festival has been sentenced to 6 years in prison by Mary Hanbury

In this documentary Maggie O’Connell watched last night, the social media group says they can control the world with just a few social media posts.


HEADLINE: Opinion: Down with Galentine's Day! by Karen Straughan

It’s probably the most stunning example of privileged, cis-heteronormative, neuro-typical, middle class, white feminist insensitivity since the Declaration of Sentiments forgot to even mention female-bodied people who identify as non-binary.

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Withdraw Immediately From Yemen -
HEADLINE: House Passes H.J.Res 37, 248-177 by Daniel Larison

The military industrial complex is so out of control you may have to side with a socialist!
This is all b/c America sided with Saudi Arabia!
The passage of this resolution is a significant assertion of Congressional authority in matters of war. - we can all be thankful for this.
In the Constitution - no war made for more than 2 years
This is there so a previous mistake can be corrected.
If Ron Paul were still around he would be leading the charge for this. Currently his son is doing what he can.