The Crusade Channel Previews

The Crusade Channel Previews

‘Muricah’s Debt: Do We Really Expect Social Media Celebrity Politicians To Pay It Back? – The Mike Church Show

February 13, 2019

Mandeville, La

 Red Pill Topics & Headlines


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HEADLINE: National debt tops $22 trillion for the first time as experts warn of ripple effects by Michael Collins

$222 Trillion in 2012 - this number includes Medi-care, Social Security, Retirement funds, pensions etc.
Who in their right mind is still buying treasuries?
Remember in the movie Idiocracy? They had $20,000 bills and $10,000 bills.
What is YOUR share of the National Debt?
States can say no to medicaid and medicare anytime they want to.
Some states FORCE older people to take the medicare. They won’t allow them to get private insurance.
SOLUTION: Rethinking the American Union towards the 21st Century
You cannot have all that power concentrated to ONE city or ONE town. You get exactly what you get today.
Americans carry around these things called Debit Cards.
Is this linked to a “bank account”?
The bank gives you the right to take your own money out when you swipe it. Does it not?
America is NOT too big to fail.
We must rethink the American Union.
Minimize the footprint and strength of power. This will mitigate much of the corruption.
Does anyone remember Mutual of Omaha?
Some companies still do what Mutual of Omaha did.
Mike tells story of daughters friend that is currently in college and aspires to work for a non-profit
She aspires to work in an area that exists because of abject THEFT!
What does a non-profit do?

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AUDIO: Boatload of Federal Money - Justice Kagan

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