The Crusade Channel Previews

The Crusade Channel Previews

Why Are ‘Muricah’s Corrupted Peasants Shocked They Are Led By Corrupted Elites!? – The Mike Church

December 03, 2018

Mandeville, La

 Red Pill Topics & Headlines


Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE

We say goodbye to former President Bush

Older Bush was a life long Mordorian.
Bush was responsible for many things that expanded government. We did get Clarence Thomas however.

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HEADLINE: Curtains for the Clintons by Maureen Dowd

Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton’s plane rides to an island with a brothel that had children.
The Clintons’ tin cup is worthy of the Smithsonian. They hoovered more than $2 billion in contributions to their campaigns, foundation and philanthropies.
“Their pathological need to be relevant in America is belied by a Canadian arena, where stretches of empty seats bear witness to the passing of their relevance. It’s a pity.”
Who can remember who ran against Bubba Clinton?
They called it the Bimbo Eruptions.

AUDIO: Hilary Clinton - her fake Southern twang



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Advent is a miniature version of Lent
St. Andrew’s Novena Day 4


HEADLINE: America Is Addicted to Outrage. Is There a Cure? by Lance Morrow

This is a product of what Americans want to see, do and hear.
They don’t care about your soul.
They care about selling you something.
One Example: FOX News anchor women are dressed for the average American 50 year old horn dog. They are all placed in the bimbo uniform.


HEADLINE: What Happens When Trump Falls? by Rod Dreher
“He’s bad but they’re all like that, the whole elite class is rotten, so why not send a grifter to catch a bunch of grifters?”

Every public entity is corrupt including the beauracray of the Roman Catholic Church.
WHY? Because we fled from our founded upon Christian ideas, not from 1776 but from 33A.D.


HEADLINE: Chill About Your Kid’s Smartphone? Reconsider by Rod Dreher

“The SANE program’s data shows perpetrators are likely to be between 11 and 15 years-old.”
Where are kids getting the idea to sexually assault other children? PORN
This isn’t just hardcore porn, this is softcore stuff that airs on regular TV.
“We know that it’s probably multi-factorial.