The Crusade Channel Previews

The Crusade Channel Previews

How Trump Drove Everyone Crazy and Mary Finished Them Off – The Mike Church Show

November 08, 2018

Mandeville, La

 Red Pill Topics & Headlines


Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE


Franklin Sanders interview yesterday from the True Money Show - it is now up in the On Demand Store

About the price of silver and when silver and gold cross a threshold.
The crash is about to happen folks.




HEADLINE: How religious groups voted in the midterm elections by Elizabeth Podrebarac Sciupac and Gregory A. Smith

Does anyone think about souls anymore?
There was a graphic on exit poll data. What their religion was and how they voted.
If you look at the graph and look at the numbers, you should be asking yourself what is going on here?
56% of women voted with the cult of death
People that identify as Catholics is the largest voting block in America.
This should stop the killing but we have such bad Catechized laity, they continue to vote the way they do with NO consequences whatsoever.
49% of Catholics told the pollsters say they voted for Democrats. 46% voted against it.

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There’s a difference between electoral politics and political culture.

HEADLINE: The Disappearance of Men by Dario McDarby

What is Poland? We talk about it like its a country right?
What is Louisiana?
How many amendments do we have to its Constitution?

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Caller A-Aron

I live in Illinois there were 5 counties that were blue.
Spoke with his Priest and he told him about the laity that refuses to vote red and will do nothing but vote blue.
They have removed religion from voting all together.
The family - an institution set up by Almighty God.
Freddie Mercury: Great Pretender on REELZ

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