The Crusade Channel Previews

The Crusade Channel Previews

‘Muricah’s Catholics Have Failed Their Empire And The Holy Grail -Mike Church Interview With Charles Coulombe

March 05, 2018

Mandeville, LA - Mike's interview with the author of a Catholic Quest For The Holy Grail and a recent guest of Brother André Marie's Reconquest, EPISODE 117.

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Special Guest: Sir Charles Coulombe


Author of Catholic Quest for the Holy Grail
People love to compare the US to the Roman Empire.
They loved their country and they loved their faith, we don’t.
If you don’t want to evangelize your friends, then you don’t love them.
What were they crusading to get and why were they doing it?
The King of Camelot, he may not have been called Author but there was definitely a King.
So to summarize a little what Charles just said, those men and women actually believed in miracles and the REAL presence of Christ.
Miracle in Italy just recently we covered on the show last week.
By their fruits you shall know them. I would crawl on my face for Him.
ACE Catholic = Ashes, Christmas, and Easter
Take THIS cup = the oldest part of the Mass
St. Peter meant THAT cup that was on THAT table.
Chapel of the Holy Chalice
Billy Graham
No Catholic should celebrate the possibility of ANYONE going to hell.

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