The Crusade Channel Previews

The Crusade Channel Previews

We Need A Meta Narrative To Counter CoronaDoom 2.0!

August 24, 2023


Brother Andre Marie

Follow Brother on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

  • Narrative vs Meta-Narrative
  • Meta-Narrative or Grand-Narrative – gives meaning to your whole life.
  • Divine Revelation etc, our meta-narrative accommodates all the narratives fo the faith.
  • When you have a meta-narrative that doesn’t encompass all of that, it isn’t a true narrative.
  • Natural Law – 
  • The order of grace.
  • The peoples who’s meta-narrative are false and scientistic in nature and have a clear agenda that is not Christian. 
  • Lots of us saw pretty early on in the COVID nonsense we saw it.
  • We saw it b/c part of our meta-narrative, they weren’t on the side of good.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Matt Gaetz on fresh lockdown threatsI’m not going back to gutter dining, eating in the streets when there is a perfectly good restaurant right there that the government thought it could close. If they’re coming back again, I think we’re going to have a lot more Americans a part of our political coalition to stand for freedom.

  • Congress cannot borrow another 6 trillion for PPE funding.
  • The resilience of the American people in the face of false propaganda. 
  • There is a thread there and they weave a tapestry around the thread.
  • The thread is there is a virus….then weave a narrative around it.
  • Then came the COVID narrative.
  • If you compare the numbers from 2020 to today on the COVID narrative, I think it is probably double what it was back then but even that isn’t a high number.
  • Programming and brain washing – 
  • 1917 the American people were sold on this.
  • Since then do you think the craft of propaganda has become more or less sophisticated? 
  • The technological means have even increased.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Venerable Fulton Sheen – What moment did all of this change? The dropping of the atom bomb. (start time 4:30)

  • The day of the dropping of the bomb in August 6th they immediately on moral principle the Saint Benedict Center disavowed that.
  • They didn’t even know there were Catholics there.
  • They were taught at Harvard that the Japanese were subhuman at this point.
  • Go back and look at Looney Tunes. 
  • This is what was being taught back then.
  • It wasn’t called woke back then but it was incredibly cruel and dehumanizing. 
  • Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine 
  • Canon 9:15 and 9:16 – 
  • If you know you are guilty of a moral sin you may not receive Communion – on individual
  • On the part of the Priest – Canon law binds them on that institutional abuse – someone who is a notorious public sinner is to be denied Holy Communion. 
  • This is PUBLIC this isn’t something that is based on hearsay. 
  • If the Priest knows it b/c of confession heard right before Mass, says he will not change his ways and then goes immediately to communion rail the Priest CANNOT deny him Holy Communion. 
  • Notorious public sinner – this is 100% Joe Biden. 
  • For years as Joe Doyle pointed out, he has been on the wrong side of life and the Catholic church has a pro-life stance and always has!
  • You should never receive unworthily. 
  • 1 Cor 11:17
