The Crotch Shot Radio Show
Latest Episodes
Are their Promises realistic?
Hillary and Donald are making some promises to attract voters. But are they able to do that and are they realistic I will go on their sites and do point by point.
Never Hilliary
I don't understand how anyone can support Hilliary Clinton just because she is a female.
Breaking Free
How to stop being in a controlling friendship? When is it time to cut ties with a friend? What is the wrong way to do it? Louie Bee talks about his experiences and what he learned from it.
Ghostbusters Rant
Louie rants about Ghostbusters movie and the real reason it bombed at the box office
End the Divide Now!
Louie Goes In On Black Lives Matter Movement and How it is set up to fail.
Independence Day Resurgence Discussion
I discuss ID4: Resurgence with Comedian Kenan Weaver
Orlando Mass Shooting Rant
Orlando Mass Shooting Rant Christie Aphrodite joins the conversation.