Cross Talk

Cross Talk

24 Jul '15 - NBN Migration - still not right?

July 23, 2015

The government has outlined a framework for migrating customers to the NBN, with a threat of regulatory action on the industry if the process isn't smoothed out.

Last year Tony Warren, Telstra's Head of Regulatory Affairs, said that the process needed to be fixed and the Comms Alliance was the logical body to coordinate improvements.

Today it seems to have fallen on the NBN to work through the detail and, whilst they say things have got better, there is a lot of room for improvement in how services are installed and activated.

So, does the government's paper help the situation. Phil Dobbie argues the four pillars are so high-level and the issue seems to be in the detailed execution.

We hear from:
Katarzyna Stapleton, Executive General Manager Disconnections & Migration at nbn;
Christine Williams, Telstra’s Director of Equivalence; and
Paul Brooks, Board Director, Internet Australia

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