Cross Talk

Cross Talk

19 Jun '15 - Broadband and mobile are growing, but is it fast enough?

June 19, 2015

Ericsson and Cisco have both released reports highlighting the growth in data usage, internet speeds and device adoption. Not surprisingly, the figures are all on the rise.

Yet, with the exception of mobile data speeds, we rate poorly compared to similar economies. A new report from the Centre for Independent Economics might explain part of the reason. It says Telstra customers are paying a $3.1 billion monthly premium for their services. Vodafone’s Dan Lloyd says this is unique in the world and shows there are structural issues that need to be addressed in the telecommunications landscape. If these issues were fixed, would Australia fare better on the global stage, and would our economy benefit as a result?

This week on CrossTalk we hear from:
- Andres Torres, strategic marketing manager at Ericsson
- Kevin Bloch, CTO at Cisco Australia
- Dan Lloyd, Chief Strategy Officer at Vodafone Australia