Cross Talk

Cross Talk

28 May '15 - Hong Kong Takes Fibre to the Curtain

May 28, 2015

Hong Kong Telecom has moved on from providing fibre to the basement, with more than 80 percent of households able to receive fibre right to their home. Now they are reaching further into the home, offering services that utilise their network. As HKT CTO Paul Berriman remarks, they’re even selling curtains, part of a mix of home network solutions.

The success of HKT really started with the establishment of their TV Now Pay-TV service, bundled with broadband to reduce churn, which helped justify the rollout of faster fibre-based networks. Whilst he admits that for many 30 Mbps is enough, there is an insatiable appetite for speed in Hong Kong, driven by infrastructure competition, and the arrival of 4K TV (and higher definition services) will help fill the pipes.

In the meantime, their experiences provide a useful insight for Australian operators, and raises the question, how long before we need to see fibre delivered all the way to the home?