Cross Talk

Cross Talk

Is the NBN Fast Enough For Home Workers

April 16, 2015

Is the NBN being designed in a way that will boost productivity by encouraging more of us to work from home?

People have been talking about telecommuting for decades, yet research from the University of South Australia indicates only 16 percent of us do it on a regular basis. The Department of Communications has a Telework calculator ( show some of the benefits, but is there enough focus at NBNCo in helping to realise the potential?

This week we hear how Vaughan Klein Cisco’s, General Manager of Collaboration for the ANZ region, manages to work from home two days a week – and his home is a cattle property 360km from Sydney. For him, the biggest benefit the NBN will provide is bigger download allowances for his wireless connection.

Gary McLaren, formerChief Technology officer at NBNCo, says that there needs to be an understanding of the importance of upload speeds and is concerned that, after the NBN is delivered, who will have the upgrade path for high end users.

Whilst Natalie Skinner, a senior research fellow at the University of South Australia, talks through some of the findings from the Australian Work and Life Index. Working from home can be a good thing, unless it simply means more unpaid work and less time with the family.

This week we look at home working from all angles and ask whether NBNCo needs to consider specific products for small business and home workers, just as it has for larger businesses with fibre connections.