Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

A Fresh Perspective :: Part 7 :: Living East of Eden | Ryan Howell :: May 28, 2023

May 30, 2023

In A Fresh Perspective, dig into topics central to the Christian experience in fresh ways, and (re)discover a faith you can love.


What’s the Issue Anyway?

Remember: A Fresh Perspective embraces Jesus’ politic of ____________________ not holiness.

A Fresh Perspective sees salvation as ____________________ in two dimensions.

A Fresh Perspective on salvation embraces the metaphor of life ____________ of ____________.

Life East of Eden is marked by four spiritual powers: ___________, ______________, ______________

and the ___________ of __________________.

What Wisdom does Scripture offer us?

A Fresh Perspective embraces and redeems the metaphors revealing a need for ___________ ____________: Born Again and The Way of Death and Resurrection. Jn 3:1-5, Mk 8:34, Lk 9:23-24)

A Fresh Perspective sees Jesus as ___________ ____________ and ___________ ___________ of God in the flesh. (Jn 14:6)

Don’t Miss This!

Salvation is a metaphor for the __________________ transformation that puts us on the path of _____________ dying to an old way and rising to a new way of seeing ourselves, our neighbor and our God.

How can I live this in my everyday, normal life?

Stop running from the one who heals the _______________ _______________. Choose to ______________ in Jesus’ way of dying and rising.

The way of dying and rising is the path of making ______________.

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

New Life in the Christian traditions replaces the power of sin, guilt, shame and the lie of separation with the power of _________________, ___________, ______________ and ____________.

The fear of death is replaced with __________________ ____________ in the goodness of God for this life and the next.

What is God inviting you into today?

  1. (Re)Start an intentional relationship with God.
  2. There is a person I need to make amends with as part of my dying to an old self and rising to a new self.
  3. I would like to talk with someone about baptism as a symbol of my entering this new way of life revealed in Jesus.

Thought provoking questions:

  1. Do you have any physical symptoms associated with the feeling of guilt and shame? What are they?
  2. How does guilt turn to shame in your life? Is there anything that you have found helpful in short- circuiting that process?
  3. What ways of talking about or thinking about salvation were given to you as a child or in your spiritual journey? How have these ways of seeing salvation been helpful? Have they been harmful?
  4. As we explore the first dimension of salvation, have you had any personal experiences that produced a new way of seeing or living in your life?
  5. What are some habits that can help cultivate a new life centered on Jesus’ way of dying to an old self and daily rising to a new self?