Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

Explaining Jesus / Experiencing Christ :: Part 2 :: Visioning Jesus | Aisha Thomas :: March 12, 2023

March 13, 2023

In Explaining Jesus | Experiencing Christ, we will together explore how understanding the historical Jesus can shape our own faith, actions and experience with him today.


Mark 1: Jesus’ Baptism

In Mark 1:8, John declares to the crowd, “I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” It’s a clear declaration of two things happening at once:

One, a _________________ of our earthly form

Two, a _________________ to a spiritual realm

Mark 1:10 says, “As soon as Jesus came up out of the water he saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove.

Jesus realized his mission with his vision at the time of his _______________.

He declared he was anointed to ____________ the good news, give ____________ to the blind, and to _______________ the oppressed.

The two realms were not seen as separate but as _________________

Jesus was so clear in his __________ _____________ that he didn’t hesitate to act on the __________ he was given.

Jesus, as a man, was aware of the _______________ ____________ flowing through him.

When he would __________ or cast out ____________, he did so verbally “by the spirit of God.” Jesus was a confirmed wonder-worker.

The World of Spirit

Spiritual mindfulness comes in the form of five things: _________________, _________________, __________, __________ and _________________.

Stillness is the first _________________ to manifest your deep connection to God.

Acceptance is embracing the _____________ _____________ as is.

Flow happens when your inner self is still and you are _________________ of the moment.

Meditation is simply the practice of _____________ and ________-_______________, even against yourself.

Bring awareness to your heart and mentally ask yourself:

Who am I?

What do I want?

What am I grateful for? What is my purpose? How can I help others?

The Challenge

What is God calling you to see and hear about another reality?