Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

The Way of Peace :: Part 08 :: Is He Really Going to Talk About Privilege? | Jimmy Scruggs :: February 26 2023

February 27, 2023

What does it practically mean to follow the peacemaking path of Jesus? In The Way of Peace, learn about the concept of a rule of life and discover flexible and achievable ways to walk this peacemaking path.


Rule #01 Choose love, forgiveness and inclusion: Daily choose to follow Jesus: walk the narrow path of loving mercy, doing justice, and living sacrificially.

Rule #02 Listen to Wisdom: Daily listen to wisdom from Scripture, sacred writings and other sources to understand where peace is broken, and oppression is flourishing

Rule #03 Practice Mindfulness: Be attentive of the Divine Presence through unceasing prayer

Rule #04 Gather Together: Weekly join others to learn, celebrate and experience Divine Love

Rule #05 Create Hope: Share faith while unselfishly giving and serving

Rule #06 Intentionally Rest: Receive divine grace and restoration through self-care

What’s the Issue Anyway?

To be in someone’s struggle is to be PROXIMATE.

Proximity requires HUMILITY.

Does my PRIVILEGE keep me from being PROXIMATE?

      “True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar, it comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.” –Martin Luther King, Jr.

What Wisdom does Jesus offer us about Proximity and Humility?

Jesus reiterates that we are to love GOD and love our NEIGHBOR! (John 10:27-28)

Peter realized that God saw no BOUNDARIES. (Acts 10:28) 

We bring to the conversation some MISGUIDED beliefs. (John 10:29)

The criteria for OUR LOVE is not race or religion—it is NEED. (John 10:30-35)

The Way of Peace Rule #7

Humbly Go: CROSS boundaries, LISTEN deeply and LOVE mercy

How can I live this in my everyday, normal life?

ACKNOWLEDGE your privilege.

Go where you are UNCOMFORTABLE.

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

I can choose to walk HUMBLY and be PROXIMATE.

This will help bring PEACE and JUSTICE to the world.

What is God inviting you into today?

1.      Read the article “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” by Peggy McIntosh.

2.     Make an invitation to coffee or a meal.

3.     Get involved with Partners in Hope through your time, talent and treasure.

Thought provoking questions:

1.      Think about your race, gender, ethnicity, religion, primary language, ability, socioeconomic status, education level and sexual orientation. How do these specific aspects of your identity influence how you interact with others?

2.     What are the stereotypes you hold of the “other?” Why do you think you have those stereotypes? Is there room for a different narrative and perspective?

3.     Can you think of some other stories of Jesus modeling proximity and humility? With whom did he “break bread?”

4.    What are examples in which you have experienced people authentically sharing pain with you? What is your natural tendency when someone comes to you in pain? Are you inclined to a) offer solutions; b) say, “God is good, it will be ok;” or c) simply listen and create space for suffering?

5.     When you think about living a proximate life (whatever that might look like for you), what are the sacrifices that you would have to make? How do you feel about making those sacrifices?