Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

The Way of Peace :: Part 7 :: Give it a rest | Ryan Howell :: February 19, 2023

February 20, 2023

What does it practically mean to follow the peacemaking path of Jesus? In The Way of Peace, learn about the concept of a rule of life and discover flexible and achievable ways to walk this peacemaking path.


Rule #01 Choose love, forgiveness and inclusion: Daily choose to follow Jesus: walk the narrow path of loving mercy, doing justice, and living sacrificially.

Rule #02 Listen to Wisdom: Daily listen to wisdom from Scripture, sacred writings and other sources to understand where peace is broken, and oppression is flourishing

Rule #03 Practice Mindfulness: Be attentive of the Divine Presence through unceasing prayer Rule #04 Gather Together: Weekly join others to learn, celebrate and experience Divine Love Rule #05 Create Hope: Share faith while unselfishly giving and serving

What’s the Issue Anyway?

Weariness is ______________ exhaustion.

Sleep and __________ are not the same thing.

Burnout burns up our relationship with ________________ and with ______________.

What Wisdom does Jesus offer us regarding rest and burnout?

Matthew 11:28-29 Jesus understood that __________ can be exhausting.

Mark 12:30 Jesus understood we were not ________-________________ beings.

Mark 2:23-28 Jesus understood the beauty of the principle of ______________ __________.

“Labor without dignity is the cause of misery; rest without spirit, the source of depravity.” Abraham Joshua Heschel, The Sabbath

The Way of Peace Rule #6

__________________ Rest: Receive Divine grace and restoration through self-care

How can I live this in my everyday, normal life?

Understand where you are rest-______________ and practice the ____________ types of rest. Honor the sabbath principle and keep it __________.

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

True rest leads to the ________________ of our whole selves.

What is God inviting you into today?

  1. Watch Dr. Saundra Daulton-Smith’s TEDx Talk “The real reason we are tired...”
  2. Try and take one day a week and honor the Sabbath Principle.
  3. Read “The Sabbath” by Abraham Joshua Heschel’s and/or “Sacred Rest” by Dr. Daulton- Smith

Thought provoking questions:

  1. On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being completely exhausted and 10 being completely energized, where are you?
  2. What do you think exhausted Jesus? What do you think Jesus would have done to rest?
  3. Do you think of resting as a way of receiving divine grace? Why or why not?
  4. Which of the 7 types of rest do you think you do well at maintaining? Which do you feel like you need to be more intentional about?
  5. Can you think of a time when you felt it very easy to give love away? Do you think you were well rested? Why do you think being well-rested is so important to being able to love others well?