Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

The Way of Peace :: Part 5 :: How did the Church become a Den of Thieves? | Ryan Howell :: February 5, 2023

February 06, 2023

What does it practically mean to follow the peacemaking path of Jesus? In The Way of Peace, learn about the concept of a rule of life and discover flexible and achievable ways to walk this peacemaking path.


Week 01: A Jesus-centered life is a peace-centered life.

Rule #1 Daily choose to follow Jesus: walk the narrow path of loving mercy, doing justice and living sacrificially Rule #2 Daily listen to wisdom: work hard for knowledge then use it to rewrite the Five Unacceptable Truths Rule #3 Practice mindfulness: be fully present with God in every moment

What’s the Issue Anyway?

When built on human love and not ___________ love, the church gathering becomes self- centered and will inflict every ___________ it is meant to heal.

What Wisdom does I Thessalonians 4:14-21 offer us regarding Divine Love in Community?

Divine Love ___________ ___________ our weakness and wounds. (14)

Divine Love creates a __________ space. (15)

Divine Love offers __________ in all circumstances. (16-18)

Divine Love ______________ our unjust actions and our distortions of God. (19-21)

Divine Love shapes us for __________ works. (22)

The Way of Peace Commitment Four

___________ Together: Weekly join with others to learn, celebrate and experience divine love.

How can I live this in my everyday, normal life?

Prioritize a weekly gathering with others to _____________ ______________ as a peacemaker.

Join the peacemaking movement and become a _____________ of Crossroads Church.

Participate in Church-Wide Spiritual Journeys: Advent, __________, Special Focuses.

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

Christian community that is centered on divine love reminds us we are not ___________.

What is God inviting you into today?

  1. Sign me up for the Lenten Journey
  2. I would like more information about Baptism with Crossroads
  3. I would like information about Membership with Crossroads
  4. Send me the link for the “Find Your Fit” information

Thought provoking questions:

  1. Have you ever personally had a difficult experience with church and decided to stop attending? Do you know anyone who has decided to stop attending church? What circumstances played a role in these decisions?
  2. Which of the five marks of divine love in a Christian community mean the most to you in your journey right now?
  3. If you are gathering weekly with other people following the peacemaking path of Jesus, why? What is important to you about that gathering? If not, what, if anything, would you want to see in a weekly gathering that would make it worth your while?
  4. What would make a weekly gathering relevant and impactful to you in this season of your life?
  5. Why is it important to not feel alone?