Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

The Way of Peace :: Part 4 :: What's on Your Mind? | Ryan Howell :: January 29, 2023

January 31, 2023

What does it practically mean to follow the peacemaking path of Jesus? In The Way of Peace, learn about the concept of a rule of life and discover flexible and achievable ways to walk this peacemaking path.


A Quick Review of the Peacemaking Rule of Life

Week 01: A Jesus-centered life is a peace-centered life.

Rule #1 Daily choose to follow Jesus: walk the narrow path of loving mercy, doing justice and living sacrificially

Rule #2 Daily listen to Wisdom: work hard for knowledge then use it to rewrite the Five Unacceptable Truths

What’s the Issue Anyway?

What do you ________ when you hear the word ‘prayer’? Some of us feel _________________.

Some of us feel _________________.

Some of us feel _________________.

I feel _________________.

Our understanding of the _________________ of prayer can shape our understanding of the purpose of ________ in our lives.

What Wisdom does Scripture offer us?

Jesus prayed that we would be ________ with God. (John 17:21)

Jesus was the perfect example of ____________. (John 14:10)

Prayer is _________________ my mind to my life in Christ (oneness). (1 Thessalonians 5:17 and Colossians 3:3)

Prayer is _________________ mindfulness of our oneness with God and all that is in God.

The Way of Peace Rule #3

Practice _________________: be fully present with God in every moment.

How can I Practice Mindfulness in my every day, normal life?

Treat no moment ________ _________________ than any other moment. Mindfulness sees the moment without _________________.

Carry a mindfulness ____________.

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

Mindfulness brings awareness to our oneness which grows _________________ in us.

What is God inviting you into today?

  1. Grow in my daily practice of mindfulness.
  2. Spend a few minutes each day dedicated to quiet reflection and attentiveness to what I am thinking and feeling.
  3. Create a reminder that is with me and helps me to be mindful of God’s presence throughout the day.

Thought provoking questions:

  1. What positive experiences have you had with prayer? Have you had any negative experiences with prayer?
  2. Why do you think oneness was such an important reality for Jesus to teach his disciples?
  3. What beliefs do you think Jesus was trying to correct by teaching oneness?
  4. Where/when do you feel oneness with God most strongly? Where do you have the hardest time feeling oneness with God?
  5. One way we can begin to practice mindfulness is to bring the same focus to every moment. What are a few “mindless” activities that you could be more attentive to while performing?
  6. Have you ever experienced the power of someone acting with compassion towards you?