Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

The Way of Peace :: Part 01 :: Determining the Gravitational Center | Ryan Howell :: January 8, 2023

January 09, 2023

What does it practically mean to follow the peacemaking path of Jesus? In The Way of Peace, learn about the concept of a rule of life and discover flexible and achievable ways to walk this peacemaking path.


What’s the Issue Anyway?

What is your life CENTERED on?

Some of us center our life on MONEY.

Some of us center our life on FAMILY.

Some of us center our life on RELIGION.

The center point has a GRAVITATIONAL PULL to everything in its orbit.

What Wisdom does Jesus offer us on the Gravitational Center of our lives?

Matthew 6:31-34

Jesus believed the center should be a desire for GOD’S VISION for the world. (31-32) Jesus knew anything else in the center leads to WORRY and ANXIETY. (33-34)

Jesus knew that God’s vision was PEACE on earth. (Matthew 5:9)

Don’t Miss This!

A Jesus-centered life is a PEACE-centered life. (John 14:1, John 14:27, John 16:33)

How can I live an everyday, normal Peace-Centered life?

Follow a RULE of LIFE called the Way of Peace CHOOSE Love, Forgiveness and Inclusion LEARN from Wisdom

PRACTICE Mindfulness

GATHER Together GIVE Hope

GO Humbly

REST Intentionally

MEMORIZE the Way of Peace Prayer

Jesus, I choose to follow your way of peace. Lead me to ONE person that I can love, give hope and bring your peace to TODAY.

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

ANXIETY, FEAR and INJUSTICE decrease when we live a peace-centered life.

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What is God inviting you into today?

  1. Commit to participating in the next 7 weeks online or in person.
  2. Memorize the Way of Peace Prayer and start each day with it during the next 7 weeks.
  3. Participate in the Peace is Worth It Giving Season

Thought-provoking questions:

  1. What are some things that you have seen people center their lives on?
  2. When you think about the “reign of God” or “kingdom of God” that Jesus talks about, what comes to mind? How would you describe it?
  3. What does faith in Jesus mean to you right now? Has it meant something different in the past? What do you think Jesus meant in John 14:1 when he asked his disciples to have faith in him?
  4. If we put the work of peace in the center of our lives, what would be some questions that we could ask ourselves when making everyday decisions around money, friendships, physical health, voting, etc?
  5. What emotions does the idea of a “rule of life” bring to your body? Do you get anxious or overwhelmed? Do you feel excited?
  6. Why is it important to say that fear, anxiety and injustice decrease and not disappear in a peace-centered life?