Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

What Child Is This :: Part 02 :: The Path to Peace with God | Ryan Howell :: December 4, 2022

December 06, 2022

This Christmas season, Crossroads Church will reflect on the opening line of the famous Christmas Carol in the teaching series What Child Is This. Explore how the birth of a Jewish peasant over 2000 years ago lights our darkness and guides our feet on the path to peace.


In the heartfelt Mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will visit us, to shine on those sitting in darkness, in the shadow of death, to guide our feet to the way of peace. Luke 1:78-79

Week 01: This Child Lights the Path to PEACE

What’s the Issue Anyway?

What do you think of when you hear the word SIN?

Some of us have been told that sin SEPARATES us from God.

Some of us have been told that we DESERVE eternal fire because of sin.

Some of us have been manipulated, shamed, and TRAUMATIZED by the word sin.

The Tension

Our understanding of sin SHAPES our understanding of God, others and ourselves.

What Wisdom does Matthew 1:18-21 offer us about Jesus, Sin and God?

For Matthew, Jesus is both Son of God and Son of David at BIRTH. Who are his PEOPLE?

What is SIN?


Sin is an INHERITED and UNIVERSAL experience. Sin results in WOUNDEDNESS.

Sin is a bigger problem for us than GOD.

How will he SAVE them?

Jesus saved his people from their sin by teaching and modeling RADICAL love

and forgiveness.

Don’t Miss This!

Jesus lights a path to peace with God by ending sin’s power over our MINDS.

How can I live this in my everyday, normal life?

Acknowledge your participation in the WOUNDING.

Don’t let your wounds separate you from the HEALER.

Participation in the BODY of CHRIST reminds us that sin cannot separate us from God.

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How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

Freedom from sin’s power and deception produces a BOLDNESS to love God and others. 

What is God inviting you into today?

  1. Live a life of confession and honesty about my wounds and the wounds I cause, knowing that I am perfectly loved by God.
  2. Invite friends and family to one of the Candlelight services and share on my social media networks.
  3. Jump into the Honest Advent journey.

Thought-provoking questions:

  1. How does your understanding of sin shape your view of God? Do you think that sin separates us from God? Do you think that sin separates us from others?
  2. Matthew believes the ultimate purpose of Jesus was to save his people from their sins. How has this been explained to you in the past? Does anything in those explanations no longer resonate with you?
  3. What metaphors for salvation resonate with you and your spiritual journey?
  4. Liberation from bondage - Exodus
  5. Return from Exile – Babylonian
  6. Light in the Darkness and Sight to the Blind
  7. Life to the Dead
  8. Food and Drink
  9. Saved from Sin
  10. In your own words describe the lie that disrupts our peace with God and way that Jesus’ life shines a light on the path that creates peace with God.
  11. What does confession look like in your normal life? How do you reflect on your wounds and wounding?
  12. Who do you talk with about the pain you carry and are tempted to transmit back into the world rather than have it transformed by grace?
  13. Can you think of a person in your life who lives with a boldness to love God and love others, free from the power of sin’s lie of separation? What stands out to you about them?