Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

The Winners Circle :: Part 4 :: When Living Is Dying and Dying Is Living | Ryan Howell :: November 20, 2022

November 21, 2022

In The Winners Circle, explore the power of ambition and modeling, turn freedom on its head and ultimately discover Jesus’ path to greatness.


What’s the Issue Anyway?

We are told the path to greatness comes through what we OWN.

We are told the path to greatness comes through the TITLES we earn.

Greatness built on credentials and ownership perpetuates DIVISION and ends with DEATH.

What Wisdom does Paul offer us in Philippians 2:1-11?

Paul believed his suffering and sacrifice was worth it under ONE CONDITION.

Paul believed that SELFISH ambition would destroy the work of God.

God completely changed Paul’s definition of SUCCESS.

The MIND of CHRIST is a radical commitment to humbly serve and obey the demands of love. Jesus became the center of the winner’s circle by LOSING everything.

Jesus taught his followers this kenosis and exaltation process as “LOSING” and “FINDING” life.

Don’t Miss This!

In Christ, the winners circle is filled with TOTAL LOSERS.

If we are only living for that which ends with death, are we not DEAD already?

Jesus’s path to true greatness, true freedom, true influence is KENOSIS, the mind of Christ.

How can I live this in my everyday, normal life?

Empty yourself of your OWNERSHIP rights. Empty yourself of your CREDENTIAL rights.

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

The more we lay down our lives for sake of loving others, the more God will lift us up for the sake of PEACE on Earth.

 page1image23747488 page1image23747696 page1image23747904 page1image23748112 page1image23748320 page1image23748528  What is God inviting you into today?

  1. I will take a simple step of serving my community by volunteering to ring the bell for the Salvation Army this holiday season.
  2. Start each day with an intentional prayer of self-emptying.
  3. Surrender all that I am to God’s love for me and this world.

Thought-provoking questions:

  1. How does culture define greatness in terms of ownership? What things might someone our culture defines as a winner own? How about titles?
  2. What things do you own or titles do you hold that people would look at and associate with success, winning or greatness?
  3. Have you ever seen someone use those titles and things to serve others? Have you ever seen someone use those titles and things to take advantage of others?
  4. Paul uses this very interesting word that is translated as “Empty Conceit” or “Vain Glory” in Philippians 2:3. The idea behind this unique word is that we can live in a façade of greatness. What do you think is Paul’s answer to combatting this temptation to live in empty conceit?
  5. Paul uses a word for the “self-emptying” action of Christ that is linguistically related to the word used for “empty conceit.” Do you think Paul is using a word play here? To what end?
  6. Jesus offers an unlikely path by our world’s standards to greatness: Kenosis or self- emptying. How would you describe that in your own words?
  7. What ownership rights could you empty yourself of to be more available to serve the demands of love in this world? Has anyone ever loved you by using their stuff in a positive way in your life? What about credentialing rights? What title(s) do you hold that the world might say frees you from the demands of love and serving?
  8. To where would you like to see God elevate you so that you might be an agent of greater peace on earth?