Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

The Winners Circle :: Part 1 :: The Ambush of Ambition | Ryan Howell :: October 30, 2022

November 02, 2022

In The Winners Circle, explore the power of ambition and modeling, turn freedom on its head and ultimately discover Jesus’ path to greatness.


The Winners Circle: Paving your (unlikely) Path to the Top | Week #01

The Ambush of Ambition | October 30th

What’s the Issue Anyway?

We want to be WINNERS.

We want SUCCESS and GREATNESS. We call this desire AMBITION. Ambition tends to AMBUSH us.

"Sometimes, our highest goal becomes our big enemy when we move towards our goal blindly without focusing on the path we follow." –Durgesh Satpathy

What Wisdom does Jesus offer us in Luke 22:24-27 regarding our ambitions?

The disciples desired greatness in the eyes of their PEERS. (24)

Jesus does not CONDEMN them for their ambition. (25)

Jesus REDIRECTS their ambition. (26)

Jesus redefines GREATNESS as serving when you deserve to be served. (27)

Don’t Miss This!

Jesus offers an UNLIKELY path to greatness: The Ambition to Serve.

How can I live this in my everyday, normal life?

Acknowledge that our ambition is easily directed inward rather than OUTWARD. Develop an ambition to serve as a member of the SCATTERED church.

SHARE your power

Put the needs of others FIRST

Help others develop and perform as HIGHLY as possible

Develop an ambition to serve as a member of the GATHERED church.

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

An ambition to serve paves a path for DIVINE LOVE in this world.

An ambition to serve leads to the WELL-BEING of the people and communities to which we belong.

What is God inviting you into today?

  1. I want to renew/become a member for the 2022/23 Ministry Year!
  2. I will attend the next three weeks and grow in my ambition to love.
  3. My family would like to attend the Annual Ministry Celebration Lunch for Members and Regular Attenders on November 20th.

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Thought-provoking questions:

  1. Do you think of yourself as ambitious, too ambitious, or not ambitious enough? Why do you think that?
  2. Can you think of a person in your life that models ambition in a healthy way?
  3. Do you tend to think of ambition as a negative, positive or neutral emotion?
  4. Why do you think the disciples got so caught up in who was the greatest among them?
  5. Jesus offers a path to greatness by teaching his disciples to serve when they deserve to be served. Do you have any places in your life in which you deserve to be served because of your position or title? How have you been able to serve in those spaces?
  6. What is one practical thing you could do this week to develop an ambition to serve at home, work and your neighborhood?
  7. Tell us about a person that modeled servant leadership to you and was crucial in your own personal growth and success.
  8. Do you think membership in the local church is important? Strange? What might draw a person into membership or keep a person from becoming a member?