Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

The Greatest Con on Earth :: Part 05 :: It's Just Too Much! | Ryan Howell :: October 16, 2022

October 17, 2022

What’s the Issue Anyway?

Mental exhaustion is a response to THINKING overload.

Emotional exhaustion is a response to FEELING overload.

Mental and Emotional exhaustion are RELATED.

Our spiritual traditions often unintentionally SHAME us in our fatigue. Continual emotional and mental exhaustion leads to BURNOUT. SUCCESS is often the sacred object.

What Wisdom does Jesus offer us?

Matthew 11:28

Jesus HONORED people’s exhaustion.

Jesus offered a GENTLE and HUMBLE space to unpack the pain. Jesus knew that REST was the starting point for healing.

Jesus knew we needed an ALTERNATIVE viewpoint.

Don’t Miss This!

Jesus offers a NON-JUDGMENTAL space to acknowledge, rest and recover.

How can I live this in my everyday, normal life?

If you’re feeling emotional/mental fatigue don’t ISOLATE. LOOK for causes and try to reduce or remove them.

Practice emotional and mental SELF-CARE.

Take advantage of a mental/emotional health PROFESSIONAL.

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

GRACE for others grows in our emotional and mental margin.

What is God inviting you into today?

1. To simply pause and reflect on the amount of exhaustion I am currently feeling 2. To take a break, schedule time to rest and recover

3. To reach out to a mental/health professional because I am in burnout

page1image43194048 page1image43189472 page1image43190304 page1image43189264 page1image43190512  page1image43191760 page1image43191968Thought-provoking questions:

  1. Are there seasons in your life where you feel a sense of emotional and mental exhaustion? What are the contributing factors?
  2. Can you think of a time where you began to feel emotional and mental exhaustion but you were able to rest and recover before it became overwhelming?
  3. Who in your life is a non-judgmental presence that will listen and offer rest?
  4. How do you “come to Jesus” when you are weary or burdened? What spiritual practices help you find rest?
  5. What are some of your current self-care practices?
  6. Do you agree that there is a relationship between how we love ourselves and how we love other people? Why or why not?