Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

The Greatest Con on Earth :: Part 3 :: The Substitute Object | Ryan Howell :: October 2, 2022

October 07, 2022

Quick Review

Anchor Verse: The Devil, the ultimate CON-MAN, has always hated the truth because the truth brings freedom from his control. So, deception and destruction just come naturally; it’s the Devil’s character. All lies flow from the Devil like water from a fountain. John 8:44 (Ryan’s Paraphrase)

Week 01: Margin EXPOSES the con and reduces the RISK of overload. 

Week 02: Creating and maintaining margin is only possible when we go through the loss and death of the SACRED OBJECT. 

What’s the Issue Anyway?

What is the sacred object that MONEY prohibits you from having?

Our MIMETIC desires take us down dangerous paths of debt.

When we think debt can make our DREAMS come true, we often find ourselves having financial NIGHTMARES.

What Wisdom does Scripture offer us on Financial Margin and Debt?

Debt has ENSLAVING qualities. (Proverbs 22:7)

Our spiritual ancestors perceived debt as a PAINFUL CONSEQUENCE for unwise behavior. (Deuteronomy 28:15; 43-44)

The only appropriate debt is the debt to LOVE. (Romans 13:8)

Don’t Miss This!

Debt as a sacred object enslaves us, limiting our FREEDOM to love.

How can I live this in my everyday, normal life?

Embrace a NON-DUALIST mindset regarding debt. 

Embrace that nothing on the other side of the financial prohibition can fulfill the desire the PROHIBITION creates.

Engage in healthy FINANCIAL practices.

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

Financial margin affords us the opportunity to live the BLESSED LIFE.

Financial Margin is where GENEROSITY flourishes.  

What is God inviting you into today?

1.      Realize I have been using debt as a substitute object and begin to work hard to break free from it.

2.    Create financial margin this week so I can live the blessed life of loving others through financial generosity. (i.e. Give away some money to a person or cause you love.)

3.    Learn more about the 7-week Financial Health Workshop on Tuesday evenings beginning October 11th

Thought-provoking questions:

1.      When have you felt the least amount of stress around your personal finances? When have you felt the most stress?

2.    Have you ever experienced the desire for something that your finances prohibited you from attaining? What did that desire feel like emotionally and physically?

3.    How have you experienced “mimetic” desire in your life?

4.    Do you think there is debt that does not make the borrower slave to the lender? What could that be?

5.    How could you as a peacemaker be a lender that doesn’t enslave a borrower?

6.    If you could give $1,000,000 dollars away as an act of love, who are the people or organizations you would give it to? What good would you hope to come you’re your generosity? What about $20? How could you give $20 away as an act of love?

7.When have you ever experienced someone living the “blessed life” of generosity?