Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

Crossroads 2023: Focused :: Part 2 :: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing | Ryan Howell :: September 11, 2022

September 12, 2022

It's time to going groups & today's podcast begins with the audio from a video we have explaining groups. Think about joining a group. Online or in person.

Below are this week's talk notes filled in so that you can access it late. Ryan teaches on Crossroads 2023 - week 2. If you missed last week's check out the previous podcast, week 1!

Have a great week!


Crossroads 2023: Focused | Week #02

Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing | September 11th

What’s the Issue Anyway

Distractions eventually DERAIL us.

What Wisdom does John 4:31-38 offer us

The Judeans and Samarians had a VIOLENT history.

Jesus knew the power of VISION and TIMING.

John knew the power of PARTICIPATION.

John is writing the story of Jesus for his community that has welcomed the “OTHER.”

Don’t Miss This!

In 2023 we will stay focused on offering Jesus’ countercultural, radically inclusive, path of peace that heals our WOUNDS, transforms our MINDS, and redeems our PAIN.

Living this as the Gathered Church in 2023

In 2023 we will experiment with new and innovative weekend WORSHIP practices. In 2023 we will implement The Path of Peace curriculum for KIDS and STUDENTS. In 2023 we will develop and launch “THE PEACEMAKERS PATH” series.

A Fresh Perspective: Learning a New Way of Seeing

101 The Peacemaker’s Path: Where the way of Jesus leads

201 The Peacemaker’s Faith: Believing Like Jesus

301 The Peacemaker’s Love: Living in Christ

401 The Peacemaker’s Hope: Resurrection and the Mystical Body of Christ

Participate in the Peacemaking vision through MEMBERSHIP.

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place

Participation is a tangible way to be a part of something BIGGER than ME. Participation brings HOPE and HEALING to the hurting in our world.

What is God inviting you into today

  1. Sign up for a Crossroads group (Enter Group Code from Catalog on Connect Card)
  2. Explore the different groups available to support my peacemaking journey.
  3. Learn about how I can participate in the vision by becoming a member of Crossroads Church.

Thought-provoking questions:

  1. Can you think of a season in your work or a significant relationship that was marked by a major distraction? How did that distraction affect the health of your work or relationship?
  2. What do you think of the idea that this story in John is more than a story of an individual, but a story that speaks to a bigger reality of the work of Jesus in healing animosity between groups? Does it make the story more or less powerful?
  3. Have you ever experienced healing of a wound, transformation of your mind or redemption of your pain by following the peacemaking path of Jesus? Share about that experience.
  4. Why do you think people are hesitant to commit to something like membership?
  5. Jesus talked about some sowing and some reaping, but everyone playing a part in the work of God. How could you participate in the work through the ministries of Crossroads?
  6. Do you think being a part of something bigger than ourselves is important? Why or why not?